

Type 2 diabetes can be even more often found now in the world. It affects every other American and one in four kids. This disease had its biggest rise in the 1980s and now it is estimated that by 2050 one in three Americans will have diabetes. Diabetes is also one of the causes for the American federal debt. However, contrary to popular belief diabetes can be prevented and reversed. This can be done by a simple modification in the daily nutrition.


4 ways to help prevent, treat, and reverse diabetes

  • Lower the sugar intake

If you eat foods that are high in empty calories but have quickly absorbed sugars and refined carbs then you should lower this intake or even stop. These foods lead to insulin resistance and are the cause of type 2 diabetes. In addition, this can also cause problems with depression, poor sex will, increased risk for cancer and hypertension.

  • Exercise sufficiently

Walk for at least 30 minutes per day to balance the blood sugar and lower the insulin levels. It is recommended to get your heart rate up to 70-80 percent of its maximum capacity for an hour, about six times weekly.

  • Get enough sleep

Sleep deprivation is one of the causes for damages to the metabolism. Namely, it can spike the sugar and carb cravings and make you eat more. Therefore, this increases the risk of various diseases, one of which is diabetes.

  • Lower your stress

Chronic stress increases the levels of insulin, cytokines, and cortisol. All of these contribute to gaining weight, and to type 2 diabetes. Since there is a strong connection between stress, blood sugar problems and gaining weight, you must be careful about managing stress. Even though we realize you cannot completely eliminate it, you can still control it. Try getting massages, practicing yoga, deep breathing exercise, and lots of laughing.

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