

The Cherokee Indians believed that our creator gave us everything we need. This includes the herbs that can cure any disease. They used these herbs and plants as cures for hundreds of years. Take a look which one are they and what did they use them for.

  • Peppermint

Peppermint tea helps with stomach problems. Moreover, the Indians crushed the leaves and used them to release pain and itching. In addition, it is also useful for allergies, fatigue, and sickness.

  • Curly Dock

This plant is used for cooking because its roots are rich with vitamins and minerals. Its leaves are full of iron and they have laxative effects.  Moreover, the crushed roots, mixed with hot water were used as antiseptic.

  • Blackberry

The blackberries are rich in antioxidants which strengthen the immunity and improve the health of the cardiovascular system. In addition, they used it for stomach problems. Furthermore, they chewed the leaves to relieve irritated gums. On the other hand, blackberry tea was used to reduce ankle swelling.

  • Cattail

It’s easy to boil, and it is believed that consuming it some diseases can be stopped or the process of healing can be improved.

  • Yarrow

Yarrow was used for external injuries. They applied freshly crushed leaves on an open wound to reduce the bleeding and protect it from infection. What is more, the tea from this plant helps with the digestion and kidney problems.

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