
The Location Of Your Acne Can Tell A Lot About Your Health

From your teenage years to the adult stage, acnes can plague your life. Modern medicines try different kinds of chemicals to treat acne and bring some amount of relief. But then, what can be the actual cause of acne? That is a real question. Homeopathy and Chinese medicine try to address the real cause of acne and they have been able to decipher the cause by understanding which area is being affected.

They have come up with 14 zones that can get affected by acne, but actually indicate a deep underlying cause. The zones are:

1. Neck And Chin

It is considered as Zone 1. If your neck and chin are affected, it is most likely due to hormones, especially issues with the adrenal glands. Stress and sugar consumption could be other reasons too.

2. Shoulders

This is considered to be Zone 2 and 3 and the reason – stress again. Just do some yoga or read a book rather than stressing yourself. It could also be due to keeping your sweaty exercise clothes on for a long time. Wear fresh clothes regularly.

3. Chest

Acne on your chest means that you are having some kind of issue with your digestion. It falls under Zone 4. So, have you been consuming a lot of junk food? If so, then acne will start appearing on your chest. Go for nutritious food to clear acne completely.

4. Arms

This is considered Zone 5 and 6 and it is related to poor nutrition in your diet. So, just add vitamins to your diet by consuming vegetables and fruits and it will do wonders.

5. Stomach

Acne on your stomach (Zone 7) means that your sugar level is high. So, fix your diet. Remove white bread and any kind of sugary substance from your diet. It will clean up your system fast.

6. Pubic Area

Being hygienic is not hard work. So, if you are keeping your dirty underwear on, then acne can form in your pubic area (Zone 8). However, be aware that they should not hurt or itch. If they do, it could indicate an STD. Rush to the doctor fast.

7. Thighs

These are referred to as the Zones 9 and 10. If acne is appearing on the upper part of your thigh, then it might be due to an allergic reaction. It’s probably time for you to change your detergents or the shaving cream that you have been using.

8. Back

The back consists of both Zone 11 and Zone 12. It’s an area that gets affected a lot and the reason is simple – digestion issues. Generally, it happens when you start having a lot of oily or junk food. So, start changing your diet and add a bit of veggies in it for best results.

9. Buttocks

Sitting with acne on your buttocks would feel like hell! Zone 13 and 14 are sensitive areas and it should stay clear. But acne can also form in these parts if your diet is causing some kind of inflammation inside your body. So, start taking some natural foods and it will do you loads of good.

So, change your diet and de-stress yourself. It will help you a lot in your fight against acne.

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