Diet & Weight Loss

These 6 Workouts Help You Prevent Hunched Shoulders

You have a great body but a bad posture and rounded shoulders which can portrait a totally different picture of you. Your tummy may look fat and you will look shorter than your actual height. You must correct your body posture to avoid any possible health issues. These 6 workouts will not only help you to have better posture but also prevent hunched shoulders.

As with any workout, it is important to perform warm up stretches to avoid any injury. Similarly you should also do stretches to finish this better posture workout routine. You will need dumbbells and counter to perform these workouts. You should rest for about 15 seconds in between each workout.

The better posture workout is divided into three parts. First stretches to warm up. These 8 stretches will prepare your body to start the better posture workout.

Second part is the better posture workout that will help you stand tall and prevent possible hunched shoulders. There are 6 workouts in this routine each 45 seconds long. You take a break of 15 seconds in between each exercise.

Third and last part consists of stretches once again. There are 7 stretches to complete this workout.


  1. Shoulder rolls 20 seconds
  2. Head Nods 20 seconds
  3. Head Turns 20 seconds
  4. Head Tilts 20 seconds
  5. Head Rolls 20 seconds
  6. Small Arm Circles 20 seconds
  7. Big arm Circles 20 seconds
  8. Toe Touch Reach 20 seconds


  1. Tripod Rows 45 Seconds each side
  2. Bird Dog 45 seconds
  3. Tripod Fly 45 seconds each side
  4. Modified Back Bow 45 seconds
  5. Up and Over Press 45 Seconds
  6. Bent Over Ventral Raise 45 Seconds


  1. Front Arm Swings 20 seconds
  2. Toe Touch Reach 20 seconds
  3. Wall Chest Stretch 20 seconds
  4. Overhead Toe Touch 20 seconds
  5. Downward Dog 20 seconds
  6. Cobra Stretch 20 seconds
  7. Child’s Pose 20 seconds

Here are the video instructions for these better posture workout that will help you to prevent hunched shoulders.

Please do not skip the stretches and use the dumbbells weights with which you feel comfortable. You can start with 2-3kg dumbbells.

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