Diet & Weight Loss


It’s highly important for your health to make a difference between  the weight you are dreaming of and always desired and your ideal weight on the other side. Not knowing the difference and mixing these two concepts may lead to eating disorders and other illnesses.

Ideal weight is not the one that you think is ideal, but the one that your body feels most comfortable doing things and living in general. This means that not always what you think is ideal really is. Taking this into account, you must not put yourself to a strict diet just to gain your desired weight. Your aim should always be your ideal weight that means being healthy and living in a healthy body. Losing too much weight can lead to general loss of health. On the other hand, being over-weight may be the cause of many sicknesses and health disorders, involving the cardiovascular system and diabetes.

In the following chart created by nutritionists and other professionals  you will see your ideal body weight. This chart doesn’t promote unhealthy choices and lifestyle, only your optimal weight in which your body feels most healthy and comfortable.

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