

We keep getting different advice about what should we eat before going to bed. However, do you know which products are actually recommended to be consumed before going to bed?

It’s very important that the food you consume before sleeping is lightweight. That is, it shouldn’t put a lot of weight on the organism, so it could rest and regenerate.

The following 6 products could be eaten at any time of the day, but especially before sleeping.

  • Cherries

This is one of the rare fruits that contains melatonin. That is a hormone which regulates our biological clock. During the night it makes us sleep, and the lack of it during the day helps us stay awake. Therefore, you should eat a handful of cherries before going to bed.

  • Turkey

Turkey meat contains the amino acid called tryptophan, which is the reason why you sometimes fall asleep in front of the TV. Tryptophan generally prompts sleep. Thus, turkey meat is a great choice of a meal before going to bed. You could have some turkey fingers or a turkey sandwich.

  • Jasmine rice

This delicatessen rice which has a sweet grain taste from the tropical areas has a high glycemic index. This means that it digests slowly and therefore the glucose is slowly released into the blood. According to a research, consuming jasmine rice before sleeping cuts in half the time that we need to fall asleep.

  • Oats that have complex carbohydrates

Food that has simple carbohydrates (such as biscuits and cookies) is not a good choice for a meal before going to bed. However, oats that have complex carbohydrates are a total win. Quinoa, barley, and buckwheat are some of the oats that you can consume. Another great choice is porridge oats that have complex carbohydrates. You can definitely combine them with milk since it contains tryptophan and improves sleep.

  • Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes contain complex carbohydrates which promote sleep, potassium which relaxes the muscles. Moreover, they have a low level of calories and don’t contain fats, which make them a great meal before sleep.

  • Valerian tea

It’s no secret that valerian tea calms the body and the mind. Therefore, it is recommended that it is consumed before going to bed. It has a good effect on the stomach by calming it. Furthermore, it relaxes the muscles and helps with headaches.

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