
11 Korean skin care tricks for a flawless skin

The Korean cosmetics industry has become more and more appreciated by skin care enthusiasts. This is where the most impressive and inventive ideas come from both skincare and beauty.

1. Facial massage during the shower
Facial massage can be an effective but cheap solution to have a healthy skin. Use both circular movements and tap your fingers through rotating movements. Start with the forehead, then with cheekbones, cheeks and continue to the jawline. Massage has the role of stimulating circulation, but it also makes your skin softer. For even more hydration, add an oil-based cleansing gel.

2. Exfoliate your skin with a towel soaked in warm water
Certainly, our grandmothers didn’t have all the products we have at our disposal to exfoliate their skin. Ever since ancient times, women have been using towels soaked in warm water to massage each day, using from up to down, circular movements.

3. Use a coal-based mask
Textile masks are very popular among skincare enthusiasts. And an ingredient that really works is the coal. It exfoliates your skin and all you have to do is apply that mask on the face for 15-20 minutes, while you can relax.

4. A skin without imperfections
We all want to wake up in the morning without imperfections. But we know that this is not possible. Use products to cover your imperfections before applying the foundation and fade them very well.

5. Apply essences for the skin between two layers of moisturizing cream
Essences are used in order to give the skin the moisture it needs. Essences have a mild consistency, rich in the nutrients your skin needs to be hydrated, and normally are applied after you have cleansed your skin very well. The next step would be to apply a serum and then a moisturizing cream for even more hydration and elasticity.

6. Try natural lipstick shades
If you only highlight the natural color of your lips without trying colors that may not represent you, you will see how your skin will look younger and vibrant. Try pink, peach, which just adjusts to the color of your lips, making them shiny.

7. Try an oil-based lip treatment
Oil-rich treatments for lips, such as butter, moisturize your lips as they should, and besides, they give you that color dose without feeling them sticky. Try natural treatments based on avocado or rosehip oil.

8. Use a nighttime mask
At night, your skin cells undergo a regeneration process. It’s the best time to have very moisturized skin and no longer tired skin. Apply an intensely moisturizing mask so that your skin absorbs all the ingredients you need in the night.

9. Drink barley tea
Barley tea has many benefits, among which it helps to improve circulation, treats certain skin conditions, prevents heart disease, diabetes and strengthens the immune system. In Korea, tea is used on babies from birth to enhance their skin appearance and health. It is rich in antioxidants and can help you get rid of a few pounds. This Korean trick is very effective.

10. Stretch your skin
It can be an exaggerated method, but you should not be afraid. Although it sounds weird, it’s a method that stimulates the circulation and brightness of your skin. It’s a method that doesn’t hurt, so it’s worth trying it. Repeat this method three times a week.

11. Detoxification is the key
Lately, detoxification has been something usual among people who want to change their lifestyle. Start by detoxifying your intimate areas. This helps women who have infertility problems and balance hormone levels.

These Korean beauty tips will make your skin amazing.

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