
11 Ways To Brings Your Walls To Life – With No Painting

Plus 10 other ways to transform boring white walls on a budget!

Coming home to plain walls can be a mood killer. You may not even be aware of it, but the color and appearance of the walls can affect the way we and others feel. However, not everyone, especially renters, can get away with drastically changing the color of the walls.

Does that mean you’ll be stuck with what you get until you move? No. Lucky for you, there are creative ways to express your personality without buckets of paint.

No painting required!

#1 Use Fabric

There are limitless colors and patterns from which you can choose. If that’s not creative enough for you, there are lots of companies that can help you create your own custom fabric print. You can use it in place of wallpaper, frame it or wrap it around canvas like a piece of art, or come up with an idea of your own.

#2 Peelable and Strippable Wallpaper

Not all wallpaper is the same. While they all technically peel off, some types were built to peel off without any residue. This way you don’t have to fret about damaging your walls. It’s relatively cheap and there are lots of colors and patterns to choose from. You can also design your own custom patterns and colors.

#3 Scrapbook Paper

Scrapbook paper is easy to find and a really affordable option. A quick and simple way to use this would be to buy multiple canvases and stick or pin the paper onto them. You can also fold the paper into different to give it some character and make your new creation really pop.

#4 Peel and Stick Tiles

Peels and stick tiles work like wallpaper but look like actual tiles. They’re a great way to bring some life into dull kitchens or bathrooms. They come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. The best part is they are affordable and easy to replace when you decide that the room needs a new look again.

#5 Rugs

Some rugs are just too gorgeous to lay on the floor, but t doesn’t have to fancy. Even the simplest of patterns will do your wall more justice than a new paint job would. If your tired of a particular pattern, taking it off and replacing it with another won’t be an expensive headache.

#6 Draw it Yourself

We all had that unexplainable urge to draw on walls when we were young. Buy a large roll of plain paper, grab a sharpie pen, and go wild. You could also use stencils to create perfect patterns all around. You can do it on a single wall to have that “wow” effect.

#7 Large Murals

Large murals have a way of grabbing your attention. You can buy one designed by a professional or you could make one out of your own personal photos to make a bold statement. It can make a great conversation starter when you’re hosting parties or having a few friends and family over.

#8 Washi Tape

You have the Japanese to thank for this genius invention. It’s cheap and comes in all sorts of colors and in various widths. Using simples lines and geometrical patterns, you can turn plain walls into masterpieces. It’s a great way to tune into your creative side.

#9 Peel and Stick Confetti

Just like washi tape, peel and stick confetti is simple and affordable. With different shades and colors, there are limitless ways for you to create your own personalized mural. A few hours of your time could turn even the dullest and plainest walls into something beautiful.

#10 Create a Photo/Instagram wall

They don’t have to be photos of you. You could collect some from magazines or print them out yourself. You could create a collage of some of your favorite photos and use them to cover up a boring wall. You could also just pick your favorite Instagram photos and put them together.

#11 Post-it Note Art

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