
3-Ingredient Celery Juice To Quickly Detox Your Kidneys, Protect Your Heart And Heal Your Joints

The detoxification of the entire organism does not end in the liver, as you need to cleanse the tissues that accumulate acid buildup and heavy metals as well.

Moreover, kidneys filter the blood, so they should also be addressed by the detox treatment. Apart from them, you should try and cleanse the heart, lungs and joints.

3-Ingredient Celery Juice To Quickly Detox Your Kidneys, Protect Your Heart And Heal Your Joints

The following natural juice will cleanse your entire organism in 3 minutes:

Tropical celery detox smoothie:

This delicious drink will boost your metabolism and cleanse the kidneys and the body, overall. It is rich in fiber which will aid the liver to flush out the excess waste and dangerous toxins.


  • 3 large organic celery stalks
  • 2 slices of pineapple
  • 3 sprigs of parsley

Method of preparation:

Rinse the pineapple and chop it up. Do the same with the celery and parsley, wash them well and chop them into small pieces.

Then, mix them in a blender and add some water. Blend until you get the desired consistency of the smoothie.


You should consume a cup of this natural juice/smoothie twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, for a week. If you want, you can add 2 tablespoons of oats and a handful of almonds and consume it as a healthy meal.

Celery is extremely beneficial as it cleanses the bowels. It is high in antioxidants such as quercetin and phenolic acids that prevent oxidative stress and inflammation.

Moreover, it is significantly effective in the treatment of joint pain, high blood pressure, cancer and nervous system issues. Also, celery contains only a few calories.

The second ingredient, pineapple is low in potassium, so it is great in the treatment of chronic kidney disease. Moreover, its flavor reduces the strong parsley taste. It is effective in reducing the swelling of the digestive tract and helps in the case of osteoarthritis.

Moreover, it also involves vitamin C, manganese, copper, thiamin, vitamin Br, as well as the cancer-fighting ingredient, bromelain.

Parsley is rich in healing ingredients. It is a strong diuretic which is of great help in the treatment of edema, urinary tract infections (UTIs), and kidney stones (nephrolithiasis).

Parsley is also effective in the prevention of anemia, high blood pressure, and osteoarthritis. Yet, it should not be used by pregnant women since it may provoke a miscarriage.

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