
Bedtime Drink To Remove Belly Fat In A Single Night

Weight Loss: The best bedtime drinks to get rid of belly fat!

Sip on these drinks at night to lose belly fat quickly

While, there is no denying that losing weight can be an incredibly difficult journey, getting rid of the stubborn belly fat can be even more challenging. A lot of people get conscious about their muffin top as it is known to peek through clothes and create an awkward bulge.

The best nighttime drinks to burn belly fat

Moreover, a protruding belly not only keeps you from fitting into your favourite pair of jeans, but it also puts you at the risk of cardiovascular conditions and even type 2 diabetes.

Hence, it is important to follow a 360-degree approach when it comes to battling the paunch. In addition to working out, sleeping on time and watching your dietary habits, it is essential to include metabolism-boosting drinks in your diet.

Include these drinks in your diet every night before hitting the sheets. They will help you burn the fat more quickly by kickstarting your metabolism.

​Cucumber, lemon and parsley drink

You don’t need to go on shopping haul for this simple yet effect stomach flattening drink. It is most likely that the ingredients are already present in your refrigerator.


Peel and dice one cucumber

Lemon juice as per taste

A bunch of parsley

1/2 cup of water

Blend the ingredients, until it takes the consistency of the juice. You can also add more water as per your taste.

Why does it work

The ingredients of this drink are loaded with fat-burning qualities. Cucumber contains zero fat and is low in calories. It is also known to battle bloating due to its high fibre content.

On the other hand, parsley can be used for much more than just garnishing your pasta. Being a natural diuretic, it helps in fighting water weight and water retention. It is also packed with vitamins A, B, C and K, making it an ideal addition to your nighttime drink.

Adding a dash of lemon to your drink not only enhances the taste but also keeps your gut healthy by getting the digestive system up and running.

Make it a point to drink this concoction every night after your dinner.

​Ginger tea

If you feel bloated and heavy after your dinner, we suggest reaching out for a piping hot cup of ginger tea. Ginger is known to keep stomach issues at bay and helps in improving digestion. When you take care of your digestive health, it also speeds up your weight loss as the toxins and waste are eliminated from the body efficiently.


1.1/2 teaspoon of grated ginger

2. 1 cup of water

3. 1 teaspoon of honey (optional)

4. 1 teaspoon of lemon juice (optional)

SUMMARY – We will tell you a recipe for a detoxing drink that will rid you of this stubborn belly fat within one week! Not only is it healthy and effective, but it is also delicious! What is more, it is easy to prepare: just put all the ingredients in a blender and press the button! And if you combine taking this drink on a regular basis and doing the exercise known as a vacuum pose – get ready for a miracle! The drink will work on removing the excess of water from your body, and the exercise will sculpt the shape of your stomach. – Put all the products into a blender, and grind them at high speed. You can stop when you have homogeneous juice inside the bowl. Drink it before going to bed, and already in a few days, you will start to notice the changes occurring in your body. Better complexion, energy flow, and of course, disappearing inches around your waist will be your reward!

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