
Blush For Your Face Type

BLUSH ! Very important !!! Have you ever noticed that some shades of makeup don’t make you look good, but others really bring out your facial features ? It is very important to apply makeup according to your face shape, particularly your blush . Here are some simple techniques for applying blush to different face shapes.

  • OVAL / HEART : This is said to be the ideal face. Just apply the blush onto the apples of your cheeks for a healthy glow.
  • LONG : Sweep blush across the middle of your forehead and along your chin line. To create the illusion of width, apply blush to the apples of the cheeks and extend the blush outward towards your ears.
  • SQUARE : Soften the angles of the cheeks by applying a brighter colour blush on the apples of the cheeks then sweeping the blush towards the temples. To soften the square angles, dust a bot of blush from the chin to just below the ears.
  • ROUND :  Apply blush in a sideways “V” above the apples of your cheeks and blend up to make the face look more slender.
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