
Cleaning your tongue – Benefits and how to do it

Cleaning your tongue with a special metal or plastic device helps remove bacteria from its surface. Thus, problems such as bad breath are avoided. Cleaning the tongue is not a method that replaces toothbrushing, but it’s a method that should complement the ritual of washing your teeth.

Benefits of cleaning your tongue

Using a tongue cleaner can have the following beneficial effects:

Increased taste – Several studies in this field suggest that using a tongue cleanser twice a week can enhance taste, tongue better distinguish bitter, salty, sweet or sour taste.

Removes bacteria – scientists have found in a 2005 study that using a tongue cleanser twice a week reduces the incidence of bacteria in the oral cavity. These bacteria may be responsible for bad breath or for the appearance of dental caries.

Improves the appearance of the tongue – uncleaned, the tongue can get a white look. Daily cleaning can remove the accumulations from the surface of the tongue, giving it a more pleasant look.

Reduces the risk of mouth problems – removing bacteria from the tongue reduces the risk of gum disease, caries, and ulcers in the mouth.

Combats bad smell – although tongue cleaning can’t replace toothbrushing, a 2004 study was found that using a tongue cleaner is more effective than toothbrushing when it comes to bad breathing.

How to clean your tongue with a special device

To clean your tongue, you need a language cleaner. If you don’t own such a tool, you can replace it with a wooden spoon that has been cleaned using it,

Open your mouth and stand in front of the mirror. Place the cleaning device on the tongue. Push the device while dragging it to the tip of the tongue. Clean the device with a clean cloth or with water and repeat the operation. After cleaning each area of ​​the tongue twice, you can wash the device. The whole process doesn’t take longer than 2 minutes.

If you notice the use of the device makes you vomit, it means you should start from the middle of the tongue, and then, every day, move slowly the device on the back of the tongue.

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