
Eat this to relieve strong menstrual cramps

Strong menstrual cramps can last up to a week, depending on each body. Many women experience unbearable pain when menstruating. Here are some ways to relieve this problem.

Plants that reduce menstrual cramps
These pains can be relieved with the help of natural remedies available to any woman. Here are 3 of the most effective ways to get rid of menstrual cramps:

  1. Add dill into culinary recipes

The dill has the property to fight against aerophagy, the abdominal bloating. It is one of the herbs used as a condiment recognized by doctors for its beneficial effects against menstrual cramps. It is advisable to drink cold or hot water after eating dill, in the next 15 minutes.

2. Pineapple compote prevents abdominal pain during menstruation

Pineapple consumed every day during menstruation has a beneficial role on the body. It reduces bloating and prevents terrible abdominal pain.

3. Mint tea on the empty stomach reduces abundant bleeding

Peppermint tea consumed in the morning on an empty stomach is very good for women who bleed heavily during menstruation. Also, the active properties of this plant fight with digestive disorders such as enterocolitis. Don’t drink too much peppermint tea because it can relax you too much and during menstruation, it is advisable to have activity.

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