
Health problems caused by flip flops

Although it seems hard to believe, there are certain health problems caused by flip-flops. Flip-flops may have different names around the world, but the problems that can cause to feet are the same everywhere.

1. Lack of amortization on impact with the soil

Each step you make generates a force. It’s basic physics. But what does physics have to do with beach slippers? When you walk, the ground has a high impact on your feet and your whole body.

Unfortunately, flip flops are not able to cushion the impact generated by walking, especially when walking on rougher surfaces, such as asphalt. The rubber sole is not sufficient to protect your feet and to support your body weight.

In addition, beach slippers have a completely flat shape, which can lead to bad walking habits. Slippers don’t sit well and don’t provide stability to the lower limbs. The result can be a progressive pain in the muscles of the legs, back and hip.

2. Lack of foot protection

When you wear slippers, your feet are completely exposed to potential dangers. The structure of these slippers is so simple and easy that it offers little protection or doesn’t protect the feet at all.

Because of this, your feet are vulnerable to wounds, burns, stings and other environmental factors. This is important since we wear them, especially in the summer.

The beach, swimming pools and spas are public places. This means that the risk of coming into contact with various harmful microorganisms is increased. The flip flops don’t cover your feet at all but leave them exposed to potential pathogens.

3. The appearance of skin diseases and mycosis

Certain diseases occur more often in summer. The hottest season of the year brings certain conditions due to excessive exposure to the sun, moisture and microorganisms in certain areas. Another classic problem that occurs during the summer is the multiplication of fungi due to heat and humidity.

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