
Homemade shampoo for rapid hair growth

Every woman wants to have the healthiest and most beautiful hair, and for this reason, they invest significant amounts of money in cosmetics. However, it is not a rule to say that an expensive product has good results on your hair.

One of the most common hair problems is excessive hair loss. If you feel that your hair is falling more and more often and it grows very slow, then it is time to try a 100% natural shampoo, which will completely regenerate it. It moisturizes dry and degraded hair, and as the day goes by it will become brighter and more resistant.

You can make such a natural shampoo by yourself, at home, because it is very simple to prepare it, and the results will surely amaze you. Moreover, it will not contain the chemicals found in all commercial products, so it will not have side effects on the body.


  • 1/4 cup of liquid soap ( with no parabens, fragrance or sulfates)
  • 1/4 cup distilled water
  • a tablespoon of vegetable glycerin
  • 7 drops of rosemary oil
  • 7 drops of peppermint oil
  • a tablespoon of castor oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vitamin E as an oil

How to prepare the homemade shampoo:
All of these ingredients are very simple to find in natural stores. You need a clean glass recipient in which to add all the ingredients in a row, then shake the glass well. The hair growth homemade shampoo is now ready for use.

Use it as a normal shampoo, place a small amount on damp hair and massage well, then allow 2-3 minutes to act. After that, rinse your hair well with water.

You will notice that right after the first wash with this homemade shampoo, your hair is much healthier, brighter and more resistant. After a month of use, you will notice that your hair has grown significantly, and the hairs don’t break so easily.

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