
How Do You Test Your Blood Circulation?

How many times didn’t happen to you to complain that you suffer from poor circulation because your feet are freezing during the winter? However, the poor functioning of the circulatory system has far more radical effects than the cold toes and fingers!

Find out if you always have cold fingers because you are “sincere”, as they say many people, or because you are really suffering from bad circulation! Our test will help you to figure out!

As you expected, the test we are proposing to you is extremely simple, doesn’t require complicated equipment, just a bit of patience. It may also imply a drop of discomfort, but we are sure you will go over after everything because it’s about your health!
Fill a glass of ice-cold water (if necessary, include some ice cubes, freshly removed from the freezer), then sink your fingers into it. Hold it for 30 seconds and then pull your hand and examining it carefully!

What matters to you is the look of your fingers. Do they look normal or, on the contrary, have bleached or become blue? If your fingers look like in the second case, we will give you bad news: you may suffer from blood circulation problems. Check with your family doctor or a specialist to make sure you have the right result.

Other signs that show you have a bad circulation

Cold ands and feet are among the most common signs that your blood doesn’t circulate properly through the veins. Here are some other signs that should draw your attention:

Numbness feeling –  It’s normal to feel a part of your body numb, especially if you’ve been holding up for a long time an uncomfortable position and blocking blood circulation. If these sensations are, however, common to you, it is likely to suffer from poor circulation.

Frequent fatigue –  No matter how much you rest, you still can’t get rid of the feeling of exhaustion. Causes can be multiple, but poor circulation is one of the most obvious. Private from the nutrients that should be transported by the blood, the body starts to conserve the little energy it has, which results in its inability to sustain itself in certain situations.

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