
How often should you wash your bra?

Cleaning intimate lingerie has become a controversial topic, and that’s because, over time, specialists have presented a lot of opinions and rules that women should respect. Thus, women often asked how often they should wash the bra to avoid dermatological problems. In this article, you will find the answer to this problem.

The bra is in direct contact with the skin and with the existing oils from it. This favors the accumulation of dirt, sweat, which can lead to bacterial growth. To avoid this, specialists say that a simple rule is needed when it comes to cleaning your bra.

Because it doesn’t come in contact with the outside environment, ladies wrongly believe that the bra shouldn’t be cleaned very often and can be worn several times. Well, this habit is totally wrong and can cause rashes, irritations and allergies. While some people believe that frequently washing results in more rapid deterioration, specialists in hygiene warn that this item of intimate lingerie should be washed after each wearing or at most after 3-4 uses.

If in the cold season we can clean the bra after 4 wears, things change radically during the summer when the body removes more water through sweat. Thus, in the summer season, your bras should be washed daily.

To avoid damaging the bra because of excessive cleaning, specialists recommend to wash your bras by hand and not using the washing machine. By doing so, the bra will keep its elasticity longer.

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