
How to take care of your skin during pregnancy

Pregnancy will be a unique experience for you, even if you are not the first child, because your body reacts differently, depending on age. You have to enjoy every moment, to be grateful for every change your body goes through.

You don’t have to forget, though, to take care of yourself more than ever. And because you can cover the rest of the body, your face remains the visible part anytime.

Keep in mind the tips below, to keep your face bright and clean throughout the period you will be pregnant and to read on your face the happiness of bringing a child into the world.

Pay more attention to cosmetic ingredients

In parallel with your diet, it is important to be extra careful when using cosmetics, especially if you are not sure what are the ingredients in the creams you have used. Some of the ingredients could affect your fetus.

Since over 70% of the substances applied to the skin are absorbed in the blood, we recommend you to choose certified organic cosmetics specially formulated for pregnant women (they will not contain any synthetic or natural ingredients with harmful potential).

Clean it constantly

Due to hormonal changes, your skin may react and face acne, although the age of puberty has long passed. It is something perfectly normal, which shouldn’t scare you, but mobilize you to take more care of it.

Makeup removing is absolutely necessary daily, moisturize your face and always use SPF.

There is a chance that your skin will become, in about 40 weeks of pregnancy, fat or very dry. You will have to balance your skin and restore a normal skin pH so that your face doesn’t glow or to crack.

Regarding the rest of your body, in order to protect your skin, use a high protection SPF daily. During pregnancy, you should avoid sun exposure.

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