
How to treat bunions using aluminum foil

Aluminum foil is one of the products that can be found in any home. We usually use it for food packaging, but its unconventional uses have been discovered over time. One of these aims to cure certain conditions.

Aluminum foil is a unique material. The aluminum foil treatment was used since ancient China: the foil was then attached to the active centers corresponding to the suffering internal organs.

Today we will tell you how to get rid of the pain of your wrists using aluminum foil. Everything is due to its reflective properties, which have great healing potential. Treatment of the joints with the aid of the foil is certainly the cheapest therapeutic method and its efficiency is guaranteed.

According to psychotherapist Wilhelm Raych, the method we present is able to cure colds, radiculitis, cervical spondylosis and even gout!

The aluminum foil, applied to the affected areas, reflects the biocurrents back to the energy meridian from which they form. This positively influences the diseased organ that is bound to the meridian, and, as a miracle, the pain disappears.

The treatment is not complicated at all. Wrap the affected area in aluminum foil, for example, the bunions from the foot. Fix everything with a bandage. Wait an hour. Important: the foil should be applied with its glossy part attached to the sick spot.

Repeat the procedure for a few days and, you will see, the pains will disappear like a miracle!

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