
How to unblock a stuffy nose in 2 minutes

When you have a stuffy nose, your body cannot get the amount of oxygen it needs. Unfortunately, mouth breathing is not as beneficial as the nose breathing. Here are some ideas about how you can unblock a stuffy nose.

1. Eat spicy foods

Spicy foods facilitate the removal of mucus, clearing the sinuses in just a few minutes. Although this effect is not long-lasting, you have no reason not to take advantage of this temporary benefit offered by what you eat.

2. Massage your sinuses

The sinuses are located immediately near the nasal septum. When you have a flu, mucus tends to accumulate abundantly in the sinuses. To get rid of a stuffy nose, we advise you to massage your sinuses with circular movements. This trick will help you relieve the annoying pressure you feel.


• Press the tips of 2 fingers on the space immediately below the eyes and massage circularly.
• Perform this massage for 20-30 seconds. Be careful to press the regions close to the nose and located immediately under the eyes.
• In the end, press your cheeks with your thumbs and massage them outwards.

3. Control your breathing


• Inhale deeply and squeeze your nose with your fingers. Try to breathe a little air through your nose as you move around the room, until you start to feel very uncomfortable.
• Now release your nose and breathe normally. Sit down and after a few minutes you will realize that you have managed to unblock your nose.

4. Use a saline solution

You have two options: either buy a saline solution from the pharmacy or prepare one at home. Both variants are very effective in clearing your nose. However, we advise you to opt for the completely natural version, especially since it is very simple to prepare.

Simply boil some salted water and allow the solution to cool. Insert the liquid into the nostrils with a syringe. The solution acts as a solvent, quickly clearing clogged nasal passages.

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