
I Have 4 Children And Even So, My Friends Say I Have Porcelain Skin And I Only Use This Recipe

Skin types which are more susceptible to having black spots are oily and mixed skin. They contain dirt and grease accumulated over their pores which obstructs them. Using makeup, dust and pollution are some of the factors that could cause them. It depends on your skin type, but there are different ways that can help you prevent them.Here, we’re going to present you a mask prepared of sodium bicarbonate that is very easy to prepare and the results will definitely amaze you!


  • It is for skin cleansing, so it will remove all the dirt from your pores. This dirt is the one that infects your pores and causes acne to appear.
  • All the blackheads and pimples are going to be removed easily and they’ll soon disappear.
  • If you’ve noticed that your skin hurts while you tone it, this mask is the ideal solution for you. The pain will be eliminated and your skin will be softer and more hydrated. All of the oils and creams will be absorbed more easily.
  • You’ll fall in love with this amazing mask instantly!
  • Sodium bicarbonate is an ingredient that is full of antiseptic and antibacterial properties!

It’s a mask prepared of completely natural ingredients. All of them are cheap and you’ll be able to prepare it at home! No more expensive products full of harmful chemicals!
Do it once a month in case of oily skin.Blackheads will be eliminated instantly. They make your skin complexion dirty and appear when your pores are covered with dead cells and fat. The pores becomes dilated.


  • 1/3 of a tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate
  • ½ a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 glass of water
  • ½ a lemon
  • Honey


First, take a glass that will be half full of water. Put the apple cider vinegar and stir to dilute it.Put the baking soda in another bowl.Add the lemon juice in it and mix.In the end combine the diluted vinegar with all the other ingredients and add the honey. Stir well until the ingredients are combined well.

Your face should be washed well in order to eliminate any impurity.Pat it dry with a soft cloth.Put the mask on with your fingertips or a gentle brush and leave it to act for 10 minutes. After that, rinse it away with plenty of water.The results will even amaze you by the first application!

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