
Man shows how to fold a shirt in under 2 seconds

I can’t get over this. Not only is it fun to watch, but also very helpful.

How do you fold your shirts?

Don’t you just envy those homes where everything is so organized?

It’s like those closets that you see in magazines and on Pinterest.

Folding the laundry may seem a pretty simple task.

You can do it while you’re watching your favorite series or while listening to music, right?

Well, that’s right but folding the laundry is the most neglected household task, especially when you’re busy.

Have you ever encountered putting your clean clothes in the bed, planning to fold them, only to put them back on the chair and say to yourself that you will do it tomorrow?

If you can relate, then we got you.

We all want a clean and organized home, right? So, let’s start with folding that week-old laundry that has been waiting for you.

You may have seen this trick before, but how well do you know the secret about it?

It looks so simple until you try it, then you would realize that it’s not that easy.

The trick that we would be sharing works with a short-sleeved shirt.


It doesn’t matter if it has a collar or not, colored or white, just as long as it’s short-sleeved, then you’re good to go.

This method is so great that once you’re done, you’d think your shirts were folded by a pro. A little reminder though, this will take a lot of practice.

Here’s how you fold a shirt in less than 2 seconds.

Step 1

Lay your shirt on a flat surface. Spread it evenly. You can do this on your laundry table or even in the comfort of your own bed.

Step 2

Make sure that the neck part of the shirt should be facing right.

Step 3

Picture a straight line running from the shoulder part of the shirt to the bottom. Then, picture another invisible line across the shirt. Mark the middle part A, the top part B, and the bottom part C.

Step 4

You can now pinch the A, where your invisible line crosses using your left hand. Make sure you pinch it tightly and that you got the front and the back part of the shirt.

Step 5

Using your right hand, pinch the line that starts at the shoulder part of the shirt, or B. Remember not to let go of your left hand.

Step 6

Lift your right hand and twist it until you can grab the bottom part of the shirt, or letter C, then pinch it. Now, you’re grabbing the shoulder and the bottom part.

Step 7

Remember, you can’t let go of your left hand. This should look like you’re halfway done and one of the sleeves is already folded.

Step 8

Pick up your shirt and lay it face down. You’ll see that you’re almost done here and you’ll just have to do one more fold, but mind you, this is where you can mess up.


Step 9

Fold the shirt by lowering it on the remaining sleeve and that’s it.

You may fail a couple of times, but that’s okay. It takes practice and you can watch the tutorial here.


Once you get the technique, you’re on your way to folding all your shirts in under two seconds.

Watch how quick and easy it is to do below!

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