
Mix lemon and coconut oil together – It returns grey hair back to its natural color

This is a natural way to combat gray hair. It’s great!

It is quite a shock to some of us when we spot our first gray hair. How did this happen? Am I too stressed? Am I getting old?

Though gray hair is a sign of age, or wisdom depending on who you ask, most of us would like to remedy this when we can.

It’s easy to grab a box of dye at the store. However, some of us hate the thought of having to repeat the process month after month only to end up damaging your hair from the chemicals.

There are, however, natural ways to fend of gray hairs.

Going gray can be triggered by various things like fluctuating hormones, smoking, stress, pollutions, chronic colds, sinusitis, thyroid disorders, malnutrition, chemotherapy, or low melanin. You should first try to remedy your silver strands by finding the root cause and changing your lifestyle and diet.

However, when going gray is out of your control there is a fix that uses just two natural ingredients that you probably already have in your home.


  • 50 ml of organic coconut oil (or enough to coat your hair)
  • 3 teaspoons of freshly squeezed organic lemon juice


Mix the ingredients together in a bowl until they are well blended. Then massage the mixture into your hair and scalp until it is completely covered. Let it sit for an hour before washing it off with a mild shampoo. You’ll want to repeat this process once or twice a week.

The coconut oil helps to improve the condition of your hair, condition your scalp, promote hair growth, strengthen your strands, treat your damaged hair, as well as reverse your grays. It also helps to fight dandruff.

The vitamin B, vitamin C, and phosphorus content in lemon juice also nourishes the hair, treats the cause of gray hair, and prevents premature graying.

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