
The reason you should put a coin in the freezer everytime you go out

Have you ever came from work or from a long trip and noticed that the digital clock shows the wrong time? You may think that the electricity has been interrupted, and in this case, you cannot know for how long.

Maybe the electricity was interrupted a few hours or even a whole day, leading to the defrosting of foods and their alteration. When the power came back, the food froze again, and you almost couldn’t tell that it is altered.

Today you will discover a way through which you can find out how long the electricity was interrupted:

For this trick you will need a cup, a coin, and water.

Pour the water into the cup and place it in the freezer to freeze. When all the water has frozen, place a coin over it and then place it back in the freezer.

From now on, when you return from vacation, before eating food from the fridge, check the coin!

If the coin is still above or in the middle of the cup it means that electricity wasn’t interrupted or it was for a short time, so the ice didn’t have time to melt. This means that your food is safe.

But if the coin is at the bottom of the cup, it means the electricity was interrupted for a long time, so all the ice melted and the coin sank to the bottom. In this case it is advisable to replace all foods in the refrigerator.

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