
This test tells you if have a healthy liver

The liver is one of the most important organs and performs over 500 functions. Take the test below and find out if it’s healthy or needs detoxification. Start today to take care of your liver.

What should you do? You should honestly answer the following question: what is the maximum amount of alcohol you drink every week?

If the answer is three glasses of alcohol or less, it means that your liver is healthy and younger by three years than your actual age. If the answer is four, your liver is your age. But if you drink more than five glasses of alcohol, your liver is older than you and you should give it special care if you don’t want to have any problems.

The liver has the ability to regenerate, but whenever it has to filter alcohol, some cells die. If you drink large amounts of alcohol for a long time, the cells are no longer regenerating and cause serious health problems.

If the test result worries you, you can take some action. First, don’t drink more than a glass of wine a day. Second, reduce the amount of fat in the diet to prevent cirrhosis and cancer. Sport and recreation also have important roles when it comes to liver health.

Your body needs fresh, unprocessed foods daily. Provide 80% of your food with fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, low-fat dairy and healthy fats. For the remaining 20% ​​you can keep still consume pastries, sweets, ripened cheeses, etc.

Hydrate yourself very well. To eliminate toxins from the body, urine and faeces, your digestive system, especially your liver need liquids. Water should be the main source of moisture, and you don’t have to worry about the sugars or less healthy substances in juices. Try to have a bottle of water with you all the time.

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