
Week Challenge – Do This Treatment For 1 Week And You’ll Not Lose A Single Hair

If you are worried about hair fall and thinning of hair, this post might be helpful for you. Today I will share recipe of homemade hair oil, that will solve all scalp related issues and your hair will grow like never before.

  • Indian gooseberry powder
  • Reetha powder
  • Mustard oil


  • In a mixing bowl take 2 spoons of gooseberry powder
  • In this add 1 spoon of reetha powder
  • Mix both of them
  • Next in this add mustard oil. Add around half bowl of mustard oil and mix all of them very well
  • Filter this oil with help of muslin cloth
  • Your oil is ready for use now

Apply this oil on dry hair. Apply this oil on your scalp and massage for few minutes. Leave it for 1 hour at least or you can also leave it overnight

Use this oil 3 times a week

There are some precautions that you should take

Do not leave oil on your scalp for longer duration. 1 night is enough, if you leave it for longer time period, this oil will react with natural oil on your scalp that might increase scalp related issues like dandruff, itchy scalp, hair fall etc..

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