
What happens if you drink salt water on an empty stomach

Both water and salt are two essential elements for our health. When it comes to salt consumption, we must be very careful. Today you will read the benefits of consuming warm water with a little salt on an empty stomach!

Hot water with salt on the empty stomach – benefits
When it comes to salt, we must point out that there are several types here, and salts in commerce are not all good for health. The most recommended is the Himalayan salt or in general the unrefined salt.

Like flour and sugar, processed salt consumed years in a row can completely disrupt hormones and lead to severe conditions. Now that we know this reality confirmed by scientific studies done for decades, let us also explain why it is good to consume from time to time salt water.

First, the naturally filtered salt water contains over 80 minerals (especially in the case of Himalayan salt).

Positive ions in the Himalayan salt (or any type of unrefined salt) surround the negative ions in the water molecules and vice versa. An electrical charge absorbed by the body is created. Basically, water is no longer water and salt is no longer salt.

Electrical signals are transmitted to the cells and clean the kidneys. In addition, this combination on an empty stomach also helps maintain body fluids.

This so common mixture (salt water) helps digestion, is recommended for careful detoxification and contributes fully to the health of the bones.

Surprisingly, dermatologists have found that the Himalayan salt with water completely remineralizes all organs. It contributes to the deep nourishment of the secondary layers of the skin, thus eliminating eczema and the pimples.

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