
Why is it almost impossible for you to wake up in the morning?

Waking up in the morning is not a pleasure and most people have difficulty when it comes to this. If some people need a few minutes to wake up, others find it almost impossible to wake up in the morning, and this may be a sign of some health problems.

In more stressful times or when daily activities require more concentration, people may feel exhausted, which can affect sleep quality. This is why waking up in the early hours of the morning becomes a difficult and distressing task for many people.

When waking up in the morning becomes a challenge most of the time, scientists say that there is a possibility that people will suffer from dysania. Although not recognized as a formal disorder, dysania is described as a problem that prevents people from waking up in the morning, even if they slept longer than it was enough. Professionals in the medical field occasionally use this term and I think that people with this problem are in most cases experiencing depression.

“It’s a behavior sometimes observed in those suffering from a major depressive disorder,” said Mark Salter, a physician at the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Between the simple fatigue accumulated over time and dysania there are several differences. Experts say that in addition to the difficulties that people face in the morning, people who have this problem may face stress or anxiety.

Since there is no cure for this condition, those who are almost impossible to wake up in the morning are advised to have proper nutrition, to rest longer and to use applications that help them to wake up more easily.

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