
This Amazing Garlic Recipe Will Remove Your Wrinkles In 7 Days!!

We all know that garlic is powerful antioxidant and natural antibiotic. But, did you know that garlic can help you reduce the appearance of wrinkles? You will be amazed by the results.

Here’s what you need to do:

First, you need to peel 1 garlic clove and mash it nicely. After that, you need to add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon clay powder. You can buy clay powder at any local health store or pharmacy. Make sure you mix the mixture well. Your mask is ready, now you can apply it on your face.

How to use it:

First, you need to wash your face and then you can apply this mask. Then, you need to leave it on for 20-30 minutes and then rinse your face with lukewarm water. Or, you can leave the mask on overnight and wash your face in the morning, but before you do that make sure that you use an old pillow case for your pillow.

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