
5 Natural Remedies To Tackle Eye Bags And Dark Circles

Eye bags and dark circles are a common problem which becomes more prominent as we age. It is different for different people and that’s because there are so many different factors that result in puffy eyes or dark circles. Sometimes, it occurs due to fatigue or stress. Other times, it might occur due to storage of fluids under our eyes resulting in it becoming very noticeable. But that’s not all – there are allergies, genetic factors and side effects of medicines that can cause dark circles and eye bags too.

If you keep these untreated for a long time, then surgery would be the only option. Isn’t it better to get it treated from the very beginning? There are many products in the stores for treating dark circles and eye bags, but chemical products have their own side-effects. It is always recommended to go for natural products, especially since they are easy to get and use.

These are five natural remedies for dark circles and eye bags:

1. Sweet Potato

The starch present in potato has bleaching effects. Also, due to the presence of a lot of moisture in these potatoes, they can act as a natural moisturizer and fight against inflammation. So, cut the potatoes into slices of about 1.5 thickness and then cool it in the fridge for about 10 minutes. Now, put them over the eyelids and let it stay there for about fifteen minutes.

2. Cucumbers

Cucumbers can be a great thing to fight against inflammation when you apply it topically. Cut the cucumber into slices of about 0.5cm thickness and put them on your eyelids. You can feel the cool and moistness of the cucumber. Once the slices get warm, replace them with fresh slices. Continue doing so for about twenty minutes and then you can surely notice marvelous changes.

3. Green Tea

Due to its ability to retain fluid and get rid of toxins in your body, green tea is a great product for fighting inflammation. So, try having about 2 cups of green tea every other day – one during the morning and one during the evening. They can be used as moisturizers too. Get 2 green tea bags which have been dipped in hot water, get rid of the excess of water in them and then place them on your eyes. See the magic happening.

4. Goat or Cow’s milk

Goat or Cow’s milk is great for your eye pouches. Keep the milk inside the fridge to cool it down. Then, once it gets cold, soak two cotton balls in them and then place it over your eyelids and your eye pouches. Keep them there for about fifteen minutes and then wash it off in cold water.

5. Apples

Place one apple inside the fridge and let it cool down. When it gets very cold, you can make a paste out of the apple and a tablespoonful of oats. Once you make the thick paste, apply it all over your face and keep it there for about fifteen minutes. Then, wash it off with cold water. Apples are great muscle relaxants and will also get rid of any exhaustion showing on your face.

These natural remedies can get rid of your pouchy eyelids and dark circles in an effective and harmless way. Just have patience and give it time and you will see the magic within a few days.


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