Diet & Weight Loss

5 Types of Tummies and How to Get Rid of Them

We all want to have a flat and toned stomach. However, getting your body into shape requires a lot of effort. Eating a healthy, balanced diet, working out regularly and be physically active are the first steps to have the tummy of your dreams. Still, there are different types of tummies, and depending on the causes of their appearance, you should find a way to get rid of the excess fat.

Here are 5 certain types of tummies and how to get rid of them:

1. Alcohol Belly

To get rid of the post-baby belly, it is good to start exercising and massaging the problematic area. Consult your doctor before starting with any diet.

3. Stressed-out belly

Extreme stress and poor sleeping can affect your body and lead to appearing of stomach fat or bloating.  Try to relax, sleep at last 8 hours a day and avoid eating junk foods. You should also stop consuming too much caffeine drinks.

4. Hormonal belly

Hormonal disbalance can lead to fat gaining around your stomach area. Change your diet, eat healthy foods and consult a doctor if you experience this kind of problem.

5. Bloated belly

Bloating is a common problem for appearing a big tummy. Problems in your digestive tract can also cause bloated belly. Drink plenty of water and take probiotics.

Drinking too much alcohol drinks can prevent your body from digesting the food properly. Also, alcoholic beverages are high in calories, so if you want to get rid of alcohol belly you should only drink alcohol in moderation and start eating more vegetables and fruit.

2. Mommy belly

To get rid of the post-baby belly, it is good to start exercising and massaging the problematic area. Consult your doctor before starting with any diet.

3. Stressed-out belly

Extreme stress and poor sleeping can affect your body and lead to appearing of stomach fat or bloating.  Try to relax, sleep at last 8 hours a day and avoid eating junk foods. You should also stop consuming too much caffeine drinks.

4. Hormonal belly

Hormonal disbalance can lead to fat gaining around your stomach area. Change your diet, eat healthy foods and consult a doctor if you experience this kind of problem.

5. Bloated belly

Bloating is a common problem for appearing a big tummy. Problems in your digestive tract can also cause bloated belly. Drink plenty of water and take probiotics.


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