Diet & Weight Loss

7-Day Bubble Butt Challenge For Women Over 40

It’s a concept universally acknowledged that most women desire round plump butts. Like, who doesn’t want a show-stopping butt like the Kardashians or Rihanna and others? Therefore, we have made a list of the most effective exercises that’ll get you in shape in no time and make you feel super sexy! Finally our dreams will come true!

There’s an amazing app called BetterMe that enables women to stay fit and attain their desired body shape through proper diet plans and good workout regime.

Start using this app to get the best results in a few days.

Women of this day and age have very hectic lifestyles. With jobs in the day and families to look after, they hardly get time to take care of themselves. She can’t manage time to go and workout in the gym. However, no matter how difficult one’s life is, it can’t be ignored that women do want to look great all the time.

If you desire a bubble butt, you can of course hit the gym, but there are some exercises that you can easily do at home and get great results. Check out this 7-day challenge:

1. Single Leg Bridge

Lie down on the floor. Lift your right leg while keeping your left leg bent. If you have just started, do it for 30 seconds, otherwise try it for a minute.

2. Alternating Side Lunge

Stand and keep your legs wide open up to the width of your shoulders. Do lunges on both sides for a minute.

3. Full Range-of-motion Squats

By standing with your legs apart up to shoulder width, put your hands behind and do squats. Later, carry a dumbbell in your hands, place them in front of your breasts and do squats. Try it for a minute.

4. Squat with Side Leg Raise

Stand with your legs apart shoulder width. Do a squat, get up and raise your right leg to the side. Carry on for a minute on alternate legs.

5. Squat Jump

Squat like you are supposed to and then jump up. Continue doing it for a minute.

The BetterMe App is the best thing a woman can have to not only work towards her desired body shape and stay fit and healthy but also to raise our self-confidence by helping us develop ourselves physically. The growth you see will naturally boost your self-esteem.

If you are truly dedicated to achieving your body goals and having that bubble butt you desperately want, then BetterMe App is the right choice for you. It will always be beside you and help you along the way like a personal trainer to help you stay strong and driven towards your goals. If you are one of those women, who find it difficult to stay dedicated when things get too hard and tiring then the BetterMe App has a lot of inspiring and motivational articles to get you going and pick you back up to attain your ideal body.

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