
7 Myths About Food and Health We Still Believe In

There are many health and food myths we strongly believe in. Unfortunately they are not true, and we will help you find out which are they.

Here are 7 common healthy food myths people still believe:

1.Milk is the best source of calcium

While we believe that cow’s milk is the best source of calcium, the nutritionists say you are better off eating dark leafy greens, almonds or even canned salmon to get the amount of calcium your body needs. Milk cow have nutritional benefits, but some adults can’t digest cow’s milk. So, if you are a milk lover, it’s better to switch to sheep or goat’s milk.

2.You should drink 8 glasses of water per day

We strongly believe that our body needs 8 glasses of water per day, but the truth is that the amount of water our body needs depends on your daily activities. People who spend their working day, mostly standing need to drink more water than people who spend their day mostly sitting. The average water intake for every person must be around 4 glasses.

3.Alcohol destroys your brain cells

Is true that drinking alcohol is harmful to your health, but it won’t destroy your brain cells. If you drink too much, you might have health problems, but destroying your brain cells isn’t one of them. Drink alcohol beverages moderately to avoid these problems.

4.Eating sugar makes you hyperactive

This is completely wrong believe. There aren’t scientific evidences that connects sugar with hyperactive behaviour. Actually, sugar releases serotonin, a hormone that has a calming effect on your body.

5.You should avoid eating salt

We all know that salt is harmful, and that’s why we try to avoid consuming it. But, truth is just the opposite. Eating less processed salt can have positive effect on a person’s blood pressure. Remember, you should consume salt that hasn’t been bleached, or try eating Himalayan salt.

6.All fats makes you gain weight

Not all fats are bad for your health. Remember not all fats are equal and while the over-consumption of fatty, processed foods will make you gain weight. Eating health fats like olive oil, nuts and avocados can actually help you with weight loss. When you add healthy fats to a balanced diet, these types of fats make you feel fuller longer.

7.Coffee is great cure for a hangover

Actually coffee won’t help you get sober, it will only wake you up and make you realize how drunk you were the night before. The best option to cure your hangovers is to drink plenty of water.


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