
Lemon Peel Benefits: Why You Shouldn’t Throw Out The Lemon Peel

We’re pretty sure that everyone throws away the lemon peels after squeezing the juice from the lemon. We will tell you the nutritional values and the benefits of lemon peel and how you can use it as a prevention and for curing.


Lemon peel has 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the lemon juice, like vitamin C, vitamin A, beta carotene, calcium,magnesium and potassium. Lemon peel has the most important ingredients that fight cancer cells in our bodies. Salvestrol Q40 and limonella, which are found in lemon peel, are best for fighting cancer cells in stage 1 especially in breast cancer, colon cancer and skin cancer.

Lemon peel is rich with vitamin C and P (flavonoids) that clean your blood vessels and lower LDL cholesterol and blood pressure. Lemon peel is also great for strengthening your bones and preventing osteoporosis.


The best way to consume the lemon peel is this: wash the lemons carefully with detergent. After washing it, put it in the freezer. When you decide to prepare a meal, take the lemon out of the freezer and grate the lemon peel in your salad, fish, meat etc.  We especially recommend to grate the frozen lemon peel in warm tea, wait a little while so that the lemon melts and then drink the tea.

The Frozen lemon peel will give an amazing taste to your dishes and more importantly it has a huge amount of vitamins and anticancerous elements. Consuming this, you will prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases. You can also add grated, fresh lemon in your meals and tea, but remember that the frozen lemon lasts longer than the fresh one.

The best thing is to buy organic lemon but if you can’t find organic lemons, you must thoroughly wash the ordinary lemons or leave them in vinegar and water mixture for 15 min before using their peel.

Lemon Peel Juice Recipe

Take two lemons and wash them carefully with detergent. After squeezing out the juice, cut the peel in small pieces. Put the pieces in 65 oz of warm water and leave them for 12 hours. Take 2 tablespoons of this juice every three hours, before and after every meal.

This recipe is ideal for Atherosclerosis, for high cholesterol and high blood pressure. This juice contains a huge amount of vitamin P that cleans the blood vessels and strengthens your cardiovascular system.

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