Diet & Weight Loss

Short diet to lose weight fast

This short diet lasts only three days and is very successful, but you must be strict and comply with the terms of every meal if you want to get the desired results. Before you start, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

This diet works on the principle of chemical decomposition, so you must not replace any of the food with another one, because it can lead to diet fail. From spices, you are allowed to use only salt and pepper.

You need to eat every day at the same time, even if you are not hungry in the prescribed term.

After finishing the short diet, you can eat normally for 4 days, and then you can repeat it.

Physical exercises are recommended.

First Day

Breakfast: Half a grapefruit, slice of bread with two tbsp of peanut butter, coffee or tea.

Lunch: ½ cup of tuna, slice of bread, coffee or tea.

Dinner: 80 grams of any low-fat cheese or chicken, one cup of peas, half a banana, a small apple and a cup of vanilla ice cream.

Second Day

Breakfast: Egg omelet, slice of bread, half a banana.

Lunch: One piece of fresh cottage cheese, hard-boiled egg and five salted crackers.

Dinner: Two frankfurters, a cup of broccoli, ½ cup of grated carrots, half a banana and half a cup of vanilla ice cream.

Third Day

Breakfast: Filter coffee or tea with one or two tbsp of sweetener. Five salted crackers, 26 grams of cheese and a small apple.

Lunch: Hard-boiled egg and a slice of bread.

Dinner: One cup of tuna, half a banana and a cup of vanilla ice cream.

You can drink water as much as you want, and if you strictly adhere to the diet, you can lose weight up to 4 kg (8,8 pounds). 

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