Oregano tea has been around for centuries for its natural ability to cure a host of ailments. It is a storehouse of many natural compounds. This herb comes from the same plant/ family as mint and is used in Italian and Mediterranean dishes. Oregano has a slightly bitter taste and is a bit like pepper. Oregano is rich in both flavonoids and phenolic acids. It contains Quercetin, a phytochemical known for its anti-cancer properties. The brew of the herb is taken not for its flavour but for its numerous inherent health benefits. It has a promising role in alternative treatment for several illnesses.

Brewing the concoction:
- 4-6 tablespoons of fresh oregano leaves
- 2½ cups of water
- Organic honey: 1 tablespoon.
Cut the leaves and boil the water for ten minutes. Add the leaves and strain. And honey to taste. Have it hot to derive the maximum benefit.
The benefits are wide-ranging and can be broadly divided into respiratory, digestive, antibacterial and viral properties, anti-inflammatory and psychological.
Flavonoids and phenolic compounds in oregano help decrease inflammation in the body and it is also a potent pain reliever. It also brings immediate relief from inflammation of the mucous membrane caused by sinusitis.
Cure the cancer
Extensive studies have shown that antioxidants prevent free radical damage associated with cancer. Flavonoids and phenolic compounds are believed to be potent therapeutic agents against cancer.The flavonoids present in oregano have been found to destroy cancer cells and also make these cells responsive to chemotherapy.
Kill the bacteria
The oil present in oregano is believed to block the growth of certain types of harmful bacteria and viruses, thus preventing several types of infections. Oregano tea is also very effective against yeast infections in the mouth and digestive tracts, like Candida. It has proved effective against E.coli and even antibiotic-resistant Salmonella. It is also effective against the bacteria that cause strep throats.
A friend to your stomach
Conditions like colitis and irritable bowel syndrome cause constipation and intense discomfort in the abdomen. Oregano has proven effective in treating inflammatory conditions affecting the digestive system. Heartburn, excessive gas and general discomfort are symptoms of indigestion. Oregano treats it by helping in the digestion of food. It encourages/ secretion of fluids rich in the enzyme that prevents the retention of food in the upper gastrointestinal tract thus proving to be a vital aid for digestion.
Lung power
Oregano is a powerful ally in protecting your lung and respiratory passage. It contains carvacrol which along with the flavonoids and terpenes are proven decongestants.
Get high legally
The presence of omega-3 fatty acid in oregano helps people who suffer from depression, anxiety and mood-related disorders.
Let it flow
Oregano helps keep away several urinary tract illnesses as it possesses antimicrobial, anti-mutagenic, antioxidant and properties that protect the kidney. It is effective against streptococcus infection that damages the kidneys.
Also, it helps with:
- Eczema, sprains and pain.
- Fungus, parasites and constipation.
- Warts, lice, and athlete’s foot.
- Fatigue, burns and bleeding.
As with any other remedies, make sure that oregano tea is beneficial for what is ailing you. Make sure that your medications do not interact with oregano tea. While it is very safe, be doubly so before you go for a new product. You can begin by inhaling the fumes though consuming the tea when hot, will give you the full benefits.
Also, contact a doctor before going for this treatment.