Healthy Drinks

Clean Your Fatty Liver With This Beverage! (RECIPE)

Liver is one of the most important organs in human’s body, on which the fast food and processed food are leaving severe consequences. The function of the liver is to process the food, the fats and to eliminate toxins entering our body.

When this organ is not functioning as it should, it has adverse effect on all the other body organs, so it is very important to take care of the liver’s health and keep it clean.

That’s also a reason plus to make a body detoxification on time, so your liver could function better. This beverage will help you clean your liver and the entire body.


125 g of fresh cabbage
1 lemon
25 g of celery
250 g of fresh pears
Piece of ginger (2 cm)
500 ml of water
10 g of mint


Chop the pears, cabbage, celery and ginger into tiny pieces, put them in a blender and pour a glass of water. Than mix the mixture well. After mixing, add the lemon juice, the rest of the water and the mint. Mix one more time and serve it in glasses. Consume this beverage twice a day, one in the morning and the other at night.


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