
Everything You Need to Know About Vitamin B12

Vitamin B 12 enables new cell formation in the human body, makes the old cells regenerate and maintains the nerve cells and red blood cells. This particular vitamin attaches to the proteins in food and when it’s released, it bonds with intrinsic factor (glycoprotein), a substance that allows our intestines to absorb vitamin B 12 better.


There is a recommended daily amount of vitamin B12. Here’s how much vitamin B 12 you should be consuming:

  • 0 to 6 months- males and females is 0.4 mcg/day;
  • 7 to 12 months- males and females is 0.5 mcg/day.
The Recommended Dietary Allowance for this vitamin is:
Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin B12

Best Sources of Vitamin B12

It can be found in breakfast cereals and animal foods.

Here is the chart the shows which foods contain the most B12

Best Sources of Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 Supplements

Each person takes enough vitamin B12 through foods. On the other hand, people that suffer from stomach and absorption problems are advised to use supplements.

Vitamin B12 supplement should also be consumed by people who don’t eat meat.

Lack of Vitamin B12

People who don’t have enough vitamin B12 in their bodies might suffer from pernicious anemia. These people might experience fatigue, constipation, weakness, weight loss and loss of appetite.

Some people who lack vitamin B12 can also experience depression, confusion, dementia, weak memory and balance problems.

Exceeded Amount of Vitamin B12

Consuming more vitamin B12 than the recommended daily dose won’t bring you more health benefits but potential toxicity.

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