
The Color of Your Lips Shows If You Have Health Problems. What Color Are Your Lips?

Eastern medicine has an interesting belief that the color of your lips can easily tell everything about your health condition.

So take a look at the mirror and see what is the color of your lips!

1. Pale pink

If your lips look paler than usual, it’s a sign of anemia. Your organism might be lacking hemoglobin and red blood cells, which means that you need to start to eat foods rich in iron and vitamin C.

2. Strong red

If your lips are redder than usual that means that something is wrong with your liver.

3. Purple, green

It’s not extraordinary for your lips to turn purple or green during winter but if they constantly look like that, that means that something might be wrong with your heart and lungs.

4. Dark purple

If your lips are dark, it might be an indication that something is wrong with your digestive system. We advise you to stop eating fast and unhealthy foods and start eating fresh and foods rich in fibers.

5. Dark purple edges

If only the edges of your lips turn purple, that means that your organism lacks in balance. You need to rest and eat well to get back to normal.

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