

There are some facts about making love which every woman should know so that with small changes she can improve her love life and get more satisfaction.

  • The more you make love the greater your desire for making love will be

This is a fact. The more you make love, the more relaxed you are, the more you learn about what arouses you and it all results in greater pleasure. And the greater pleasure will have you craving for a new meeting-under-the-sheets with your partner.

  • The missionary is not the best of friends for a woman’s organism

Maybe you feel the most comfortable in missionary, but it is also the pose in which women struggle the most to orgasm.

  • If the orgasm is always in your head, there is a great possibility you won’t have one

If you are constantly worrying and thinking about things like “Why cannot I have an orgasm?”, then you cannot enjoy completely and it will just distance you from the moment of the great pleasure. Relax and concentrate on what you feel during lovemaking.

  • Masturbation is not only for a “dry” period

Women who have a good love life aren’t ashamed to touch themselves while they are with their partner. On one hand, it excites men, and on the other, it helps women reach their greatest pleasure faster.

  • There are exercises for better lovemaking

Every physical activity can improve your love life. However, there are exercises focus strictly on the muscles down there. Kegel exercises can lead to more intense orgasm or help you have them more often.

  • Men don’t pay attention to your imperfections during lovemaking

You might be thinking about that red patch that appeared on your ass the whole day, or about you cellulite. However, men are so overwhelmed with excitement when they see a naked woman’s body that they cannot think of anything else, let alone your imperfections.

  • Your partner cannot read thought, give instructions.

If you want something from him, you have to say it loud and clear. If you don’t ask for, you won’t get it, thus soon the lovemaking might become boring for you and it won’t bring you any pleasure and excitement. Open communication is the key for good lovemaking. It shouldn’t be a problem for you to tell your partner what and how you want it.

  • Simultaneous orgasm is very hard to reach.

Don’t try to time the orgasm so that it can be at the same time for both of you. That way you will feel you are under pressure and besides lowering the pleasure and fun, you might “lose” your orgasm.

  • The lubricant is not for anal lovemaking exclusively

A seldom problem because of which women don’t enjoy making love is the lack of vaginal wetness. A dry vagina is a guarantee for painful and uncomfortable sex. Always have lubricant on hand to avoid problems with wetness.

  • There is a dry period in every relationship

There is no need for panic if at a certain period there is a break in the love life. That doesn’t mean that the relationship has ended. You cannot expect that you will always live as if you were on your honeymoon. Trust us that after the dry period passes an even more turbulent sex awaits you. However, if the “draught” continues for a longer time, then initiate a face-to-face talk.

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