
10 Most Common Habits That Damage Your Kidneys

One of the most important body organs is the kidney, which means that we must keep this organ healthy and functioning all the time. In case someone has kidney problems, the symptoms that will appear are altered quantity and color of the urine, nausea, breathing problems, fatigue, anemia, and a sensation of coldness, bad breath, itchy skin, and pain.

10 Most Common Habits That Damage Your Kidneys

Unluckily, the contributors of kidney problems and kidney damage are often we ourselves, and here is a list of the habits that add to problems of this kind:

 1. Insufficient water intake
If you do not drink enough water, you can damage your kidneys to a great extent. When there is an insufficient quantity of water into your body, your blood becomes thicker and more concentrated, and there is less blood flow to the kidneys, which results in impaired kidney function and buildup of toxins in the body. We are recommended to have at least ten to twelve glasses of water on a daily basis. By taking in this amount of water, we make sure that our body stays hydrated and our kidneys healthy.

 2. Delaying the urge to urinate

If you do not pee when you need to, you contribute to damage of your kidneys. This also leads to retention of the urine in the bladder, and allows the bacteria to multiply and cause a urinary tract infection. In other words, whenever you feel the need to pee, do that as soon as possible.

3. Drinking too much alcohol
One of the most toxic substances for the kidneys is alcohol, which can harm their function if you take it in great amounts. If you consume alcohol too often, you add to storing of uric acid in the renal tubules and obstruct them. This leads to an increased risk of kidney failure. Alcohol also causes body dehydration, meaning that you need to stick to the rule of two drinks a day only.

 4. Regular use of analgesics
 If you consume analgesics and over-the-counter painkillers to reduce inflammation and fever on a regular basis, you can damage numerous organs, one of them being the kidneys. Studies have shown that these pills reduce the blood flow to the kidneys and impair their function, and if you use these pills for a long time, you can cause acute kidney injuries or intestinal nephritis. People whose kidney function is reduced or impaired should always consult their doctor before they start taking painkillers, and avoid their use as much as possible.

5. Smoking
Smoking causes damage to all body parts and organs, and there are numerous studies that confirm its relation to kidney damage. According to the American Association of Kidney Patients, smoking is the number one cause of end stage renal disease, which once again confirms how dangerous smoking it is. Moreover, smoking raises the heart rate and the blood pressure as well, which results in raised risk of cardiovascular diseases and kidney disease.

6. Lack of sleep
People in general do not pay enough attention to the lack of sleep, however, everyone should know that an adequate amount of rest overnight is essential when it comes to the overall health. If you do not sleep enough at night you make it difficult for your body to renew its tissues, which may lead to organ damage over time, which does not exclude kidney damage.

7. High salt intake 
If you consume too much salt, you add to kidney damage beyond repair. Kidneys metabolize even 95 percent of the sodium, so, if you take in too much salt, your kidneys are going to work harder in order to excrete the sodium. This will eventually lead to kidney damage and other health problems.

8. High protein diet 
If you consume excessive quantities of red and processed meat, you raise your risk of kidney damage and kidney disease. The nitrogenous waste from the body is being metabolized and eliminated thanks to the kidneys, and this type of waste is a by-product of digestion of proteins. If you consume excessive amounts of protein, you raise the glomerular pressure and the hyper filtration, which on the other hand raises the metabolic load of the kidneys, as well as the risk of kidney disease.

 9. Too much caffeine
Almost every person loves and drinks coffee, but if you consume it in excessive amounts, you raise your blood pressure and you make your kidneys overwork. If this becomes a habit of yours and you practice it for a longer period, you can cause kidney damage and you can increase the excretion of calcium in the urine, which can also result in kidney stones.

10. Ignoring common infections 
If you ignore some common infections, such as colds, the flu, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and the like, you contribute to kidney damage. Frequently, the people who have kidney disease miss to report being sick, but if the infection is left untreated, the bacteria or the viruses can cause damage to the kidneys which is beyond repair.

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