
10 Natural remedies against underarm odor

Being a natural process, sweating is needed to regulate body temperature when exposed to high temperatures. The unpleasant smell is caused by the perspiration’s contact with bacteria on the skin. Antiperspirants recommended to combat sweating, block the channels through which sweat circulates.

But more and more studies have shown that alumina and parabens from antiperspirant products increase the risk of diseases such as breast cancer. Therefore, it is good to know that you can bet on natural alternatives without side effects.
1. Herbal remedies against sweating – Sage
Of all the natural remedies, salvia has the reputation of being the most effective in combating sweat. Consumed internally, sage-based remedies can reduce excessive sweating by half. Prepare a tea using a tablespoon of dried plant to a cup of water and allow to infuse for 10 minutes. Tea is consumed with small sips during a day. Sage infusion can also be used externally: apply tea on the underarms area.

2. Oak bark – Used externally, oak bark remedies are helpful in excessive sweating. Macerate 300 g of plant per liter of water. Leave the mixture to infuse for 14 hours and then add it in the bathing water and stay in it for 30 minutes

3. Alum stone –  Mineral crystal with deodorizing properties, alum stone has astringent and antibacterial action and can be used to regulate sweating. Choose the natural variant. The stone is used either after the shower, on the wet skin, or the stone is moistened and applied on the dry skin.
4. Nut leaves – Active ingredients of nut leaves can remove bad odors from sweating, also having a disinfecting role. Boil 300 g of nut leaves in one liter of water for 15 minutes, and after the infusion has cooled, pour it into the bathing water and sit in the water for 15 minutes.

5. Apple vinegar – An easy trick to normalizing the axillary pH consists in applying apple vinegar on the underarms area, using a cotton pad. For even better results, leave the vinegar to act 10 minutes, then rinse with water.

6. Lemon juice – Another effective remedy against the unpleasant smell of sweat is lemon juice. This fruit contains active substances that annihilate these odors. Every morning, soak a compress in lemon juice and keep it in underarms for a few seconds. Careful! Don’t use this remedy if you have skin irritation.

7. Baby powder – Powder has the ability to absorb unpleasant smells of sweat. By acting as an astringent, this powder protects the skin against the irritations that can occur as a result of excessive sweating.

8. Tomato juice – Add two cups of tomato juice in the bathing water or apply this juice on the underarms area and leave it to act 15 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water. This remedy should be used for two weeks.

9. Aloe vera – This plant has an antiseptic and astringent effect, and if it’s applied directly to the skin, aloe vera prevents the development of bacteria responsible for the unpleasant odor and, in addition, balances the pH of the skin. Crush an aloe leaf, apply it on your underarms and leave it for 5 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

10. Parsley – Chlorophyll from parsley or other herbs helps neutralize unpleasant body odors. Therefore, consume parsley, spinach and green onion leaves as often as you can.

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