
5 Tricks that will make your teeth look whiter

There is no person who doesn’t want to have white teeth, so no matter how much free time you have, these 5 simple tricks will guarantee you whiter teeth.

1. Contrast
Have you ever wondered why your teeth appear whiter when you’re tanned? It’s because of the contrast. In order to recreate the same look, you don’t have to expose yourself to the harmful sun rays or to spend a lot of money in the salon. Use a bronzer on cheeks, nose and chin to give your face a more tanned look.

2. Choose the white wine
You have certainly heard of the drinks that can stain your teeth. Well, red wine is one of these, so try to consume it rarely or replace it with white wine or champagne.

3. The effect of the banana shell
The whiter your teeth are, the smoother your smile is. For this result, you don’t necessarily have to pay a fortune, but only apply on your teeth a banana shell and massage them. The banana shell is rich in potassium and magnesium, which helps remove stains on the teeth. (which may occur if you didn’t respect the previous trick)

4. Choose a lipstick with blue undertones
Orange-colored lipsticks reflect yellow on your teeth, but those with blue undertones, such as cherry or bright red lipstick, create the illusion of a white smile.

5. Leave it easier with coffee
Coffee may be the only one that gives you the energy to work, but at the same time it’s the greatest enemy of white teeth. But if giving up on coffee is a too drastic measure, try to drink it through using a straw and brush your teeth immediately after, so the stains not to be permanent.

Applying one of these 5 simple tricks, your teeth will surely look much whiter!

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