
7 Day diet for a healthy hair

Hair is the second fastest growing tissue, so it needs extra energy, says Samantha Lynch, a New York nutritionist. The diet for healthy hair gives you many benefits (one of them is weight loss). Plus, it only includes delicious foods!

Oats + strawberries
Oatmeal flakes are rich in iron (iron deficiency is one of the most common non-genetic causes for hair loss), which carries oxygen to the follicles. Vitamin C from strawberries promotes iron absorption.

Spinach salad + grilled chicken
The spinach contains a lot of iron, and the chicken is pure protein. It turns out to be a true Heaven for your hair.

Carrots + hummus
Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A, which maintains the health of the scalp, while the hummus is abundant in iron.

Salmon + broccoli
Salmon contains abundantly vitamin D, essential for the growth of hair. As for broccoli, we all know it’s full of iron!

Extra help
In parallel with the diet, use a treatment for hair regeneration, chosen according to the specificity and needs of your hair.

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