
7 Steps to read a person like a book

I can not believe how blind I was. I had all the signs in front of me. How come I didn’t realize? – We all had such situations in our lives. After misinterpreting the intentions of our boss, colleagues, friends or lover, we review the past and see things from a different perspective. Like we have a huge pair of magnifying glasses and we see better what happened…every gesture and word get another meaning.

But how can you read someone’s intentions? The conclusion I reached was simple. You have to be ready to read people. This attitude makes the difference, or else no clue in the world will help if you don’t have the eye to notice it. You have to develop the following abilities in your life and everything becomes simple:

1. Spend more time in people’s company. It’s the best way to understand them. If you have the impression that reading books or articles about how to read people’s behavior helps with something or makes you an expert, you are wrong. Spend time with people, and observe them.

2. Stop, watch, listen. There is no substitute for … ATTENTION. If you are not careful and you don’t see the details, but if you are the one who always wants to talk, you are the easiest to read. Poker players who speak a lot are easier to read than those who are silent. The more you express yourself, the easier it is to get yourself read. That’s why if you want to learn to read people, learn to stop talking, watch and listen!

3. Learn to open yourself first. If you want someone to open up in front of you, make the first step. Learn what to say and how to say about yourself so that you don’t become bored and at the same time keep you mysterious.

4. Decide what you are following. If you don’t know what you are actually looking for about the other person, you will be disappointed and you will not find anything. Do you want to find out if he is a loyal person or want to find out if he’s a boring person …?

5. Train yourself to be objective. Objectivity is an essential feature when you learn to read people. Even if you are in a personal situation and it’s easy to be subjective, learn to look at things from outside. If they see the things are ugly, that’s right, no matter how you want it to be.

6. Don’t go ahead with prejudices. When you know a new person, let her discover herself as she is without making unfounded assumptions. There are people who immediately make mistakes about someone according to their zodiac, race, or hair color. It’s stupid to draw conclusions about someone depending on things like that. It is harmful to analyze people with the idea that they something to hide and you have to find out what their dirty secrets are. If you have such occupation or curiosity, I don’t want to deal with you.

7. Take a decision and act immediately. If you drew a conclusion about someone, you realized that his intentions are in contradiction with what he says, make a decision and do something.

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