
7 Tricks for oily skin that will change your life

Excess of sebum can cause headaches to many people. It’s quite difficult to keep your makeup intact for an entire day when you have oily skin. Here are some useful tips on how to look perfectly at the end of the day, even if you have oily skin:

1. In-depth cleaning
Proper cleansing of the skin not only can keep our sebum secretion under control but also prevents the appearance of the pimples. It’s important to pay attention to this step because although it doesn’t seem important, you will even be amazed when you see the results.

Use an oil-based cleanser to remove your makeup, then wash your face with a special cleansing gel for oily skin. Using this double cleaning method, you’ll be able to get rid of all the makeup, sebum and impurities gathered in the pores throughout the day, and your skin will be very grateful.

2. Use face oils
Oil-based products, and even pure oil, are good for oily skin. Although it seems a paradox, it’s important to use oils for the skin even if we have oily skin. Why? By using cosmetic oils, your skin no longer needs to produce sebum. Try to introduce oils, such as coconut oil, argan or almond oil, before bedtime.

3. Use a makeup base
Primer creates a barrier between your skin and makeup, so basically, if you use a quality makeup base, it will stop the sebum from reaching the foundation and altering its composition. Choose a makeup base with a matte effect to shrink your pores and fix the makeup.

4. Use the primer also in the T area
Probably many of you have used the makeup base for eyelid, but have you ever used it on your nose? It’s not a joke! If have very oily skin in the T area, then this trick will change your life.

5. Use a suitable foundation
We all like natural makeup, but unfortunately, if you have oily skin, you can not use a foundation that gives you a glossy look.

6. Use a mattifying powder
Sometimes, no matter how good your foundation is, you’ll need to help your makeup to resist using a mattifying powder. Don’t apply it all over your face. Use it only in areas with problems such as nose, forehead and chin.

The best way to apply the powder is with a beauty blender, gently pressing the product into the skin to better cover the pores.

7. Use a fixing spray
As the last step, after applying the foundation and the illuminating powder, spay your face with a mattifying fixing spray. This will not only reduce the excess of sebum, but it will also give a healthy look to your skin.

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