
Amazing mixture to detox your body

Yogurt can be the main food when you serve breakfast, but do you know how to enhance its qualities?
If you usually add honey in yogurt to eat it in a Greek style, or maybe seeds, fruits, or both, what would you say if you change the menu a little bit?

Ingredients for detox mixture: 1 cup of kefir, 1/2 teaspoon of freshly grated ginger and 1 tablespoon of buckwheat flour.

Kefir stimulates immunity – From the category of dairy products, kefir is the most indicated for the highest quality of nutrients, because it contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, B7, B9, B12, K, A and D, minerals and also good enzymes. In this way, it is a nutritious food for both mental and physical health.

A good source of both calcium, selenium, manganese, iron but also protein, vitamins, ginger is certainly found in the list of healthy and detoxifying products. So adding it to yogurt, ginger strengthens the yogurt qualities and gives you a strong immunity. If you add buckwheat flour to these ingredients (also a food full of vitamins and minerals), you will get a nutritionally complete breakfast that will accelerate your detoxification process.

Moreover, this mixture stimulates blood circulation. Consumed in the morning on the empty stomach will help regenerate blood vessels, reduce the effects of stress on the body, help you improve your memory and focus better.

It is important that three hours after consuming this mixture, to not consume anything. Consume this mixture for two weeks, instead of breakfast. Once every 3 months, you can follow this detox.

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