
Everything you need to know about peptides

Peptides are protein fragments, composed of amino acids. When amino acids combine in certain formations, result in specific types of peptides. When the peptides are formed in a certain way, they form specific proteins.

Because proteins are basic elements of the skin, it needs peptides to avoid losing its firmness and elasticity, or to delay the appearance of wrinkles as much as possible. These include other skin problems that can be improved, such as changing the skin texture.

Another great thing about these ingredients is that they learn the skin to do what is necessary to revitalize the fundamental elements in its structure, which has a direct effect on prematurely aging skin.

How does it work?
To begin with, we need to clarify one thing: peptides can do great things for the skin, but they can’t replace the effects of cosmetic procedures. There is no ingredient to solve all the signs of aging and other problems we face. The ability of peptides to help revitalize the skin and become more resistant, but don’t have too many expectations.

What you need to remember is that, whether the peptides are special, they need “friends” in the form of other ingredients to address the needs of the skin. An ideal care product should include antioxidants and nutritional and reparative ingredients (such as peptides). Peptides can do many things, but they can’t do them alone.

When peptides are combined with antioxidants, calming and repaired ingredients, they can treat many signs of aging and you will love the result.

There are different types of peptides that can have different effects, from blurring fine lines to increasing firmness of the skin or repairing the protective barrier of the skin. Usually, skincare products contain a combination of several types of peptides.

A disadvantage is their fragility. If products containing peptides are not kept under proper conditions, they will degrade due to light and air. In addition, certain types of peptides may be irritating to different types of skin, so you better test the product before applying it all over your face.

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