
How to burn calories while sitting down

Do you spend a lot of time in the office, and after work you are too tired to go to the gym? Now you can do exercises while sitting on the chair, and the result will definitely delight you!

It’s recommended to walk for at least 10 minutes every two hours while sitting down. Sitting down long times can affect your spine, increase the risk of hypertension, and predispose you to cardiovascular disease.

Here are some exercises that help you burn calories while sitting down:

Fasten your abdomen

No one will suspect that while you are concentrating on the computer or documents, you are doing exercises for the abdomen. Fasten your muscles for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat this exercise at least 30 times, then take a 30-minute break. Repeat as many times as you want.

A little dance

You don’t need to move your whole body and show what good dancer you are, but you can keep up the rhythm with your foot under the desk. You can put 3-4 of your favorite songs in your headphones and dance with your feet. Look at it as a small break that you certainly need after 3-4 hours of work.

Feet exercises

While sitting down, close your feet, bend them and lift them 10 cm from the floor. Wait a few seconds, then put them back on the floor. Repeat the exercise 30 times, then take a little pause. You can move your legs diagonally to work more muscle groups. Thus you will have perfect legs and a flat abdomen.

You can also practice different exercises with your arms. Stretching exercises are also a good idea. You can rotate your arms, your neck etc. You have some many options! Improvize and listen to your body!

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