
How to clean your door

Door, like any furniture object, requires proper care. Specifically, the door must be cleaned of dust and other impurities to maintain its condition and appearance. Here are some tips on this:

Here are the steps you should follow when you clean your door and some cleaning tips depending on your door material:

– clean the door completely of dust, using a clean cloth. If the door has ditches and bumps, you can use a soft brush;

– wash the door, from bottom to top;

– rinse the door, from top to bottom;

– remove residual water with a synthetic leather cloth;

Wooden door – Use water and ammonia (2 tablespoons of ammonia per liter of water). For a glossy appearance, use a little furniture spray or parquet wax. Apply on a dry cloth and lightly rub the door;

Old wooden door – Clean with a sponge soaked in distilled water in which you have previously dissolved 3-4 sliced of delicate soap. In order not to stain the door, immediately swab the door surface with a dry cloth.

Metal door –  Use a mixture of baking soda, water and a few drops of dishwashing detergent to remove grease easily;

White door – To avoid darkening the color, wash the door, at least 1 time per month, with water and baking soda;

Plastic door – These doors can scratch easily, so wash them gently with neutral soap and water, then wipe them with window detergent. Thus, they will become shiny;

It’s very important to clean the door at least 1 time per month. You and all your family members are touching the door several times per day and there are a lot of bacteria and dirt that should constantly be removed.

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